In 2024 we are trying to encourage more people to fundraise for us in their own way.
We have started work on a digital fundrasing pack and also sponsership forms that will help our supporters with their events and challenges.
We will be providing digital downloads including sweepstakes and challenges so people can take part in their on way. We are hoping to do an number of different events over the year so we can be inclusive to everyone and this will take place across all our sites including a skipping challenge, coffee mornings, themed bakes at the Cafe and in the shop.
Our first digital download to help everyone get involved is a 6 Nations Sweepstake!
Rugby 6 Nations Sweepstake
All you need to do is print off a few copies of the sweepstake
See if any friends/family or work collegues might be interested in taking part
Ask for a donation per slip (we are suggesting £2)
Decide what you are going do do with the funds raised. You could choose to split the pot 50/50 and donation 50% a charity and 50% to the winner
Then relax, enjoy the rugby 6 nations
Once the 6 nations are over. Tally up the scores, and announce the winner!
